
Why Wetland Delineation Surveys Matter


9 Reasons Why a Wetlands Delineation Survey Matters

A wetland delineation survey is an important aspect when it comes to construction work. Here are 9 reasons why a wetlands delineation survey matters.

Keeps Construction Projects Going

Land developers and engineers rely heavily on wetland delineation surveys to help them avoid any potential snags that may slow down or stop construction of the plans. This survey has the ability to identify exact parcels of land, which then can help to avoid the degradation of wetland habitats.

Follow Regulations

A wetlands delineation survey helps to make sure that all local and state government regulations are followed, since development out of the delineated boundaries is unlawful. An example is how water development projects require approval by federal agencies and may contain limits to the size of the project that can happen without approval. A wetlands delineation survey offers a key piece of documentation in order to determine the exact boundaries of wetlands that need approval from the government. In turn, this survey sets the legal limit for the amount and type of wetland impacts that might occur.

Federally Protected Areas

A wetland delineation survey is commonly used to figure out which wetlands are part of federally protected areas, like wildlife refuges and national parks.

Help With Lawsuit

A wetlands delineation survey has the opportunity to provide a legal and practical basis for landowners to sue developers over potential environmental impacts that may result from development within their property.

Ownership of Wetlands on a Given Property

In some instances, companies with pre-existing water rights to a wetland may want to develop the land themselves in order to increase their water supply, as well as to maintain or increase the overall value. So, hiring a surveyor for a wetlands delineation survey can help to determine the location of legally owned wetlands on an individual's property.

Route-Clearance Criteria

Wetlands delineation surveys are often used as criteria for route-clearance for different types of federally funded projects. Many federal projects often require that wetlands be delineated and photographed prior to a project's approval in order to prove that you can traverse across the land and it is not simply a "wetland."

Legal Basis for Limits on Development

This survey can provide a legal basis for placing limits on the amount of development that can happen in a given area. If a wetland is not properly delineated, then private landowners are not legally obligated to reduce the impacts to their property from the development.

Identify Mitigation Opportunities

Using this survey also provides the basis for identifying mitigation opportunities for mitigation banks, which are accounts for restoring and protecting wetlands. They also act to determine the boundaries of compensatory mitigation areas that may be required. A compensatory mitigation area helps to ensure that any project's wetlands impact can be mitigated by reducing or removing the impact elsewhere in the watershed. An example of this scenario is if a project may cause significant wetlands impacts, then these areas help to ensure that other projects within the watershed are not negatively impacted, too.

Defines Bodies of Water

A wetland delineation survey is one that defines bodies of water within a jurisdictional wetland. The use of delineations is required by both federal and state agencies, who use this survey to determine who has jurisdiction over each water body. This survey is an important part of any wetland map and crucial in order to determine whether a project is located within a wetland or not.

Contact Arek Surveying for Professional Wetlands Delineation Survey

This survey needs to be done by a professional team and our team of surveyors at Arek Surveying can perform a wetland delineation survey that will provide reliable results. Learn more today.

Contact Arek Surveying

At the end, you will get a report that contains all of the pertinent information regarding the boundaries of the wetland. This report will give you a clear understanding of the property and if there are any wetlands present. We proudly service New York and all 5 NYC boroughs, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, Putnam Counties, as well as Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Union, Middlesex counties in New Jersey. Get the #1 surveying team in the greater NYC area when you turn to Arek Surveying! We provide clients with an array of surveying options, including construction, geological and engineering.
