
Land Surveyor Information


When it comes to a land survey, there are various factors that affect the cost. From the type of survey, to the size, to the location and terrain of the property. We will quote each survey on its own terms. For more information about our various land surveying options, please contact us today. We will happily answer any questions you may have about the survey you need. Turn to Arek Surveying for a trusted and licensed land surveyor in the greater NYC area.

Contact Arek Surveying

When you reach out to Arek Surveying, we can help you select the perfect survey option for your situation. Here are the top 10 reasons people need a survey. If you fall under any of these aspects, do not hesitate to reach out.

What Does a Land Surveyor Do?

A licensed surveyor will research all of the documents available on your land. This includes various documents like, tax maps, deeds, filed maps and any other previously completed surveys on file. Once the review process is complete, the surveyor then physically measures the property. Doing so a few times and averaging the results to determine its true position. Then, we can review these records to the previous ones to see if there are any discrepancies.

Once this task is complete, the surveyor draws a new map. This map will show any existing structures, driveways, walkways, walls, fences, pools. Everything on the property is included.

For a stake out survey, we will make various points using iron rods or concrete monuments. This way the owner can see exactly the lines of the property. When we stake the property lines, re-surveying the land becomes an easier task.

The Importance of a Survey Map

A survey map is important because it helps to visualize exactly what the property looks like. It also will highlight any encroachments being made onto the property. And it will help to identify any irregularities that could result in a possible future legal issue. As a professional and licensed land surveyor, it is our job to get that right. And it is also our responsibility. So you have protection in a way, since this survey improves your title insurance policy.

Why Purchase a New Survey When an Old One Exists?

When a land surveyor completes a survey, those established lines become the legal boundaries of the property. In most cases, these lines do not differ significantly from the previous one. However, that is not always the case. Updating the survey ensures a current reflection of the property's conditions. So you are not relying on an old, outdated survey. By purchasing a new land survey, you are ensuring that you are viewing the most up-to-date survey possible. Doing so every once in a while is beneficial.

Different Types of Land Survey

At Arek Surveying, you get a land surveyor of many talents. Different surveys cater to different needs. Here are all of the surveys we do here at Arek:

  • Alta Survey: Used most often when buying new property.
  • Architectural Survey: Takes all land aspects, including soil, past and present buildings and roads, and even archaeological data into account when planning a new development.
  • As-Built Survey: In most cases is required by municipalities to show a completed construction project before issuing a certificate of occupancy to the owner of the property.
  • Bathymetric Survey: Produces a map showing spot elevations and contours of a riverbed or other body of water in relation to the mean sea level.
  • Construction Survey: Establishes and marks the position and details the layout of new structures, such as roads or buildings for subsequent construction
  • Engineering Survey: Determine the position of any natural or man-made objects and records the data for future planning purposes.
  • Erosion & Sediment Control Plan: Denotes how upcoming construction activities will affect the movement of storm water and sediment across a construction site and onto abutting properties.
  • FEMA Flood Elevation Certificate: Used to certify buildings located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). Similar to a FEMA raising program survey.
  • Foundation Survey: Collect the positional data on a foundation that has been poured and cured and shows the location of the foundation of a home or building relative to the property lines.
  • Geological Survey: Recording of all geological data of a certain area, including geology, topography, and water and mineral deposits.
  • Plot Plan: A proposed plan for a construction site that includes all existing and proposed conditions on a given site.
  • Stakeout Survey: Establishes the location of structures, objects and/or property corners based on proposed plans.
  • Subdivision Survey: Divides up a parcel of land into two or more parcels.
  • Title Survey: A general survey map prepared by a licensed land surveyor.
  • Topographical Survey: Will show the elevation changes and physical features of the land.
  • Wetlands Delineation Location Survey: Completed when construction work is to be done on or near a site containing defined wetlands to help understand how much of the property can be developed.